Insurance companies ought to familiarize themselves with common red flags that indicate fraud while fielding incoming claims. Even though a call might seem ordinary, recurrent inconsistencies can reveal a lot. The good news is that insurance representatives can perform some rudimentary background check before deciding on anything.
But how can you tell that a client is making fraudulent car insurance claims? If you cannot answer this question hassle-free, then you have certainly come to the right place. Keep on reading to find out more.
Unusual Communication Methods
Be on the lookout for clients who are hesitant to receive documents via email as they might be filing false claims. At times the client may not reside at the location listed on their policy, hence the need to receive documents electronically or in person. A client who is hard to get hold of by phone can also be an indication of fraud. Keep in mind phone calls require insured customers to remember details on the spot.
Hit-and-Run Accidents
Whereas some hit-and-run accidents are legit, it is not to say that you should rush into believing what your client has to say. In this situation, the insured ought to be in a good position to describe the vehicle that hit him or her, and even have a partial license plate number. When a client cannot provide clear details about what transpired, it might be the clearest indication of a fraud.
Before deciding on anything, it is essential that you carry out further investigation to get a clear picture of the story. Through this action, you can easily tell whether the insured is telling the truth or lying.
The Bottom Line
Despite the fact that you can now access cheap car insurance coverage, some drivers still go to the extent of filing fraudulent car insurance claims. Be wary of such clients as they do not mean any good to your business. Check out these and other signs of fraudulent auto insurance claims before you can finally offer your client the financial protection needed in the event of an accident.