Chances are you probably feel inundated with the numerous credit cards on offer. Actually, some credit companies go to the extent of sending mails to prospects every other day. Even though it is tempting to sign up for every credit card you’re offered, this decision might come to haunt you later on.
Keep in mind credit cards are not created equal and differ in so many features and requirements. That’s why you should spend some time examining what different credit card companies have in store for clients before settling on one,. To help you get started, here are two things to consider before applying for a credit card in Singapore.
Interest Rate
Before you apply for a Maybank Family and Friends Card, it is highly recommended that you look at the interest rate. Remember, many cards tend to lure customers with an introductory interest rate of zero percent. Whereas it sounds like the perfect deal you can ever get, be sure that you can pay off your balance during the promotional period.
Skimp on this and you might be forced to pay for your card using a new interest rate. In most cases, the new interest rate is going to be higher. Even if a card is offering a promotional rate, take the time to find out more about the interest rate once the promotional period expires.
Rewards Offered
For those who would rather pay off the entire balance at the end of every month, carefully examine the rewards you earn by using your credit card. Generally, the best deals are on the cashback and miles cards. With cash back cards, you will be issued back a percentage of your spending. Actually, you are free to cash these rewards in for a higher amount on a gift card.
The Bottom Line
In order to find a credit card that offers minimum spend requirement, you should spend some time researching around. Take this as the perfect opportunity to examine important things such as reward offered, interest rates, penalties and annual fee. That way, you can find a card that will help you with online travel bookings. Fortunately, you can see more credit cards in Singapore here from any location of choice at any particular time of the day. Through this action, it will not take long before you finally find the best credit card for your needs.