How Your Business Can Benefit from Dedicated Internet Access

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By now you should be aware of the fact that not all internet connections are equal, especially when considering the advantages of dedicated internet access services. You have likely connected to the public WIFI before only to become frustrated with completing simple online tasks like browsing or sending an email.

If so, then you know the costs associated with a slow internet in Salt Lake City and shared bandwidth. Business only increases when it comes to the quality of your business internet connection. A slow connection is just one of the issues that can be shored up by taking advantage of a good managed internet service.

No wonder theright solution is to get a dedicated internet service. And here are benefits of a dedicated internet access.

BetterNetwork Security

Cyber security for your business should be of the utmost importance. This is especially if you handle any sensitive data such as employees or client’s personal information. Moreover, cyber security is a vital part of your business financial security. One way to boost your security is by using a dedicated network access.

By not having to share your internet connection with those outside your organization, rest in knowing you will strengthen your overall cyber security and insulate your network against breaches. When having dedicated internet access in Salt Lake City, you worry less about threats from other networks.


Have you ever witnessed slow internet speeds? If so,then you already know about the importance of throughput. It’s a bit technical but the reality is that the bandwidth your company gets from an internet service provider is not the circuit actual throughput. That number is just the bandwidth at which the circuit access the provider’s backbone network.

Unfortunately, this means that once your traffic hits the network, it can only move as fast as slow as the network will allow. The best way to think about this is as if you are committing from work during rush hour. Generally, dedicated internet access keeps customers on high capacity at all times.

Just Publishing Post
Just Publishing Post
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